Last ticket – zadnja (makao)
The ticket doesn’t want an honest man – Neche karta poshtenog choveka
He is run-lie – On e trchi-lazhi
The bear is wedding – mechka se zheni
Sweetboat, dearboat – milibrod
Let’s play tickets – aj da igrame karti
Your boiler knows a lot – sho ti znae bojlerot
Third mother – treta majka
He no yes lie, but dries – toj ne da lazhe, nego sushi
Who ealry earlies, two lucks grabs – koj rano rani, dve srekji grabi
How for who – kako za kogo
Hard chair – tvrda stolica
You don’t know who eats who pays – neznaesh koj jade, koj pie
It doesn’t eat, it doesn’t drink – Ni jade, ni pie
He sees a potato, he gets out a meat – kompir gleda, meso vadi
Wind and fog – vetar i magla
I will ask my dick – ke si go prasham kurov
From shit bellow – od gomno podole
Which dick it is? – Koj kur ti e?
Naked water – gola voda
Littlesale – maloprodazhba
Not little sale - golemoprodazhba
He entered the movie – vlegol u film
Middle sorry – sredno zhalosno
Withworker – sorabotnik
What a dick are you doing? – Shto kur praish?
I swear my dick – Zhimi kurov
When she said raining – Koga reche vrne
Live fence – Zhiva ograda
Spit for me, spit for all – pu za mene, pu za site
Automatic Control – Avtokomanda
New Fox – Novo lisiche
Blackberry place – Crniche
Trumpet Place – Trubarevo
Acid Water – Kisela Voda
The money doesn’t want an honest man – Neche para poshtenog choveka
You give a finger, she take whole hand – Ti prst, ona cela raka
The king is drinking water – Car pie voda
Center for strange tongues – Centar za stranski jazici
Se izvinuvam – I sorry
From small legs – Od mali noze
Polukruzhno – Halfcircular
Stranec – Abroader
Matichno – The Mothering
Dobro ti stoi (odeloto) – It stays good
I shakom i kapom – and with hand, and with hat
She is very unsticky - Toj e mnogu odlepen
What you are, what you are - Sho si ti, sho si ti
Pa i ne e nesto naj naj - Well she isn't something most most
Go bie glas - She is beaten by the voice
Si ja ima muvata na kapata - She has a fly on her head
Si si ebal mamata - She fucked her mother
Koj pee zlo ne misli - Who sings doesn’t think evil
Na kraj kraeva - On the end of the ends
Od fala ne se zhivee - From thanks you don't live
Sila boga ne moli - Force god doesn't pray
Ti go krstis on prdi - You baptize him she farts
Kade kade bolje - Where where better
Te boli kur - Your dick hurts
Vide-nevide - She saw-she didn't saw
Brat brata ne rani, teshko koj go nema - Brother brother doesn't feed, it's difficult who doesn't have
Sweet said - Blago recheno
You go lie another - Idi lazhi drug
Blind street - Slepa ulica
Same dick different package - Isti kur razlicno pakovanje
She is calculating the streets all day - Meri ulici po cel den
There's no live chicken - Nema zhivo pile
She has a fly on his head - Si ja ima muvata na kapata
Feed the soul to listen to you - Rani dusha da te slusha
Crazy fuck confused - Lud jebe zbunjenog
In mouth i fuck you - U usta te ebam
What dick - Sho kur
No shame, no curtain - Ni sram ni perde
Don't run like small donkey in front of donkey = Не трчај ко прле пред магаре
No five no six = Ни пет ни шест
I don't smell him a lot a lot = Не го мирисам баш многу многу
Neither garlic he ate, neither garlic he smelled = Ни лук јал, ни лук мирисал
He is turn on - turn off in the company = Тој е пали-гаси во фирмата
You are missing, you are missing, then you disappear = Те нема, нема, па ќе се изгубиш
On the end it will come out from toy to crying = На крај ќе излезе од играчка плачка
I can't cook that man! = Не можам да го сварам тој човек!
They put him foxes = Му ставија лисици
What is falling on your brain? = Што ти паѓа на памет?
Spit-stick - Pljukni-zalepi
Beforetaker - Preduzimach
With who you are, thats who you are - S kim si, takav si
This cost devil and a half - Ova koshta gjavol i pol
White Technology - Bela tehnika
Simple Table - Prosta masa
Feed the dog to bark at you - Rani kuche da te lae
Bidi taka - Be that
From stupid more stupid - Od glup poglup
She fucked the century - Si ebal vekot
She is very developed - Toj e mnogu razvien (razbacan)
Da puknes me nasmea - To explode, she make me laugh
Kako picka pod kosula - Like vagina under shirt
Down laundry - Dolen vesh
Wild Construction - Diva gradba
Like a small gipsy on cherry - Kako ciganche na cresha
Sweet retard - Blago retardiran
Day stay - Dneven Prestoj
Run run hair - Trchi trchi vlakno
Ass over head - Gz preku glaa
Orthodox Scheduler - Pravoslavno kalendarche
Site picki ti se isti kur - All pussy is same dick
Kur-tashak - Penis-dick
Si igra kur-tashak - She is gaming penis-dick
Trista chuda - Three hundred miracles
For live head - Za zhiva glava
Sum zaspal ko top - She go to sleep like a cannon
Sick point - Bolna tochka
Preku sila,preku sila, 100 denari - Over the force,over the force, 100 denars
Se vrti ko prdezh u gakji - She turn like fart in underwear
Elementary notgood - Elementarna nepogoda
On beatiful eyes - Na lepe ochi
Sad Memory - Tazhen pomen
Surrenders - Predavanja (na fakultet)
My dick hurts - Me boli kur
My knee is rotating - Me vrti kolenoto
Blind street - Slepa ulica
Termo pechka - Thermic Roaster
Zapoznaj se so topkata - Meet the ball
Kompanija meso boranija - Company, meat bean poods
Pazi ledza - Look back
Ja skina pajazinata - She cut the spider web
Kupi si mrezicki - Go buy nets
Tri korni penal - Three corners penalty
Od golman nema korna - From goalkeeper no corner
Detski Igri
Border - Granica
Zuto dupe - Yellow ass
Do you want strong army - Sakate li silna vojska
Narodna - Peoples
Rosna livada - Wet Meadow
Dolga magarica - Long donkey woman
Olimpijada stop - Olimpic games stop
Izgore lonceto pretece mlekoto - Pot burns milk leak out
Kiselo mleko - Acid milk
Prva zicka za vodicka - First wire for the little water
Janino janino - (no translation)
Nema diganje - No raise
Praam lastik - I make rubber
Nema rentu - (no translation)
Nema od spoter - (no translation)
Zucka mu napraiv - (no translation)
Anglisko-Makedonski Razgovornik
Na ulica:
Zdravo, kade mozham da najdam menuvachnica – Hi, where she can find money replacement store?
Zatopli, majkata – It’s hot, the mother.
Se izvinuvam, dali znaete kade e javnata kukja? – I sorry, where she can find public house?
Mnogu mi e zhal, ama neznam – I sorry, fuck you
Svrtete polukruzhno – She turn halfcircular
Vo kafich
Ako mozhe edno espreso – One fast coffe, please
Ako mozhe smetkata – If can, the calculation
Na pazar
Ova koshta gjavol i pol!Sho si mislish ti, lud jebe zbunjenog?Ah sho si ti!! - This cost devil and half!!What she think, crazy fuck confused?? What you are, what you are
Kratka gramatika na Angliskiot jazik
I, You, He, She, It, They, Them = SHE
Nevozmozhni prevodi, ostavajte u comments ako najdete varijanta:
Tante za kukuriku - ??????
Bre bre - ?????
Zhifti leb - ???????
Kome rat-kome brat - ????????
Ko pita-ne skita-????????
Docent Damjan Jovanovski
Docent Chedo Popovski
Docent Lazar Ugurovski
Akademik Jovan Kjupev
Recenzija - Andrej Shevchenko
Lektor - Jeton Krasniqi
Research and development - Toni Bachvarovski
Marketing - Zoran Stamenov
External Colaborator - Boris Damovski
I ja!!!!
pa i ne e nesto naj naj - well she isn't something most most
go bie glas - she is beaten by the voice
si ja ima muvata na kapata - she has a fly on her head
si si ebal mamata - she fucked her mother
koj pee zlo ne misli - who sings doesnt think evil
na kraj kraeva - on the end of the end
betonskoto vlece - the concrete is pulling
fala, staeni se. da zhivee makedonija - to live, fyrom!
ti go krstis on ti prdi - you are bapstize him she farts
sila boga ne moli - force god doesn't pray
kade kade bolje - where where better
kade kade bolje - where where better
pusti mi zmija - send me a snake
Don't run like small donkey in front of donkey = Не трчај ко прле пред магаре
No five no six = Ни пет ни шестI don't smell him a lot a lot = Не го мирисам баш многу многу
Neither garlic he ate, neither garlic he smelled = Ни лук јал, ни лук мирисал
He is turn on-turn off in the company = Тој е пали-гаси во фирмата
You are missing, you are missing, then you disappear = Те нема, нема, па ќе се изгубиш
On the end it will come out from toy to crying = На крај ќе излезе од играчка плачка
Brother doesn't feed brother, hard who doesn't have = Брат брата не рани, тешко кој го нема
Brother for brother, cheese for money = Брат за брат, сирење за пари
I can't cook that man! = Не можам да го сварам тој човек!
Go to me, come to me! = Иди ми, дојди ми!
Meat Community = Месна заедница
They put him foxes = Му ставија лисици
Like-chicken = Копиле
What is falling on your brain? = Што ти паѓа на памет?
Idi mi dojdi mi - Go me come me
Picka u dusa - Pussy in soul
Kjor si ko top - You are blind like cannon
Mrsul da ne frlis na nego - Do not trow snot on her
Ubavo dojde - She comes good
Pljuknat na tatko mu - Spitted on his father
Koza mu simnal - She take off his leather
Kikirik imam predlog.Da napraime mapa na Makedonija so prevedeni iminja na gradovi i sela.Baram sorabotnici:Topograf,etnolog i drugar.
aj na mor=(nema prevod)
neka mnozi=let multiply
kaj sme nie, kaj e evropa = where are we, where is europe
Za kurtashak: dickegg
(Ne si igraj kurtashak: don't play dickegg)
koj pita ne skita - who ask dont walk
kome rat-kome brat - to who war - to who brother
ko pita-ne skita-who is asking newer roam around
jajca na oko - eggs on eyes
topki vareni - boiled balls
Zdravstven Dom - Healthy House
Toplifikacija - Hot Making Plant
Zdravstven Dom - Healthy House
Toplifikacija - Hot Making Plant
leblebija-bread bread and me
everything on everything=se na se
for hair=za vlakno
make me hot=stopli me
Tante za kukuriku - tante for cock-a-doodle-doo
Bre bre - ?????
Zhifti leb - live your bread
Kome rat-kome brat - whom war,whom brother
Ko pita-ne skita-who asks,don't roam
Op zica, zica, zica, drma mi se kabanica - Op string, string, string, my raincoat is shaking ;-)
ko pita ne skita-who asks doesnt wander
da tibam piperot- to fuck your peper
tibam se po spisok- to fuck everybody by list
Koj prdna- sirakot- Who farted- the orphan.
da ja ebam baba ti na letanje
to fuck your grandmother while she's flying
Kur mi e, dvor mi e - My dick, my backyard
Da ve prevedam na drugata strana od ulicata - let me translate you to the other page of the street
Krotko jagne od dve majki cica - meek lamb from two mothers sucks
kako da ne! - how yes no!
Ne znam dali gi ima ne gi proveriv do kraj
Ivica i Marica - Edge and Police van
Leblebija - Bread bread and I
I can't stand him organicly - ne go podnesuvam organski
don't play toys with me - не играј играчки со мене
ќе дојди пиче на поличе - the pussy will come on a shelf
Ruzica Sokic - little rose, little juice
slepo crevo - blind hose
Mozete li me prevesti na drugu stranu ulice? - Can you translate me to the other page of the street?
чеша јајца-she scratches eggs
kur mi e dvor mi e, jajcava ziva ograda-my dick is, my backyard is, the eggs-live fence
Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb
you are as stupid as bicycle - glup si ko tocak
don't shake greens - ne tresi zeleni
to send you to the door - da te ispratam do vrata
Maya the bee - pcelickata Maja
my dick hurts - me boli kurov
pussy and a half - picka ipol
Slobodan Miloshevich - Freeday Gentalfuck
Sekoja planina si ja ima svojata tezina - Every hill she own fat and calories.
Tuturutka - Tu tu roll device
Ubavite krusi svinjite gi jadat - Beautiful pears pigs eat for dinner
Od tvoja usta vo bozji ushi - From shes mouth God listen
Se sklopi nebo i zemja - Sky - Earth connection
Lepa Brena cicki do kolena - Beatiful Zivojinovic busen to the knee
Zosto si me majko rodila - Why she born me, oh she?
Tesko mene - O hard me!
Koj go znae sto covek e - Who she know what men is
Biljana platno belese - Biljana cotton she Vanish
Kolku pari e gore dole? - What cash up down?
plavusha - she blond
daj mi go filmot "Rocky" - give she the movie "Stone"
daj mi go filmot "Rocky" - give she the movie "Stone"
Sho mislese, sho mislese kad se onadeshe? - What she think, what she think when dick entering
Pizda - dick entrance
Vecerva e plodna - The night is fertile
operska diva - wild classic music
KOga lisjata pagjaat - when leaves turn around
Dolinata na volcite - downhill of the wild dogs
Macorot v cizmi - The cat man in Gazela shoes
Bye Gilipter, see you soon - Orevuar Langida man, she watch you tomorrow
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